My Weather (Version 8.2.4)

The gadget works directly for Windows Vista and Windows 7. For Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11 you need an additional program in advance, which you can download here for free::

The “My Weather” gadget shows you the weather in your city, or a city of your choice. The gadget has 15 different designs, light and dark font colors, a large and a small view and can display temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit.


The miniature view shows the current temperature, the current weather situation in a suitable graphic, as well as the minimum and maximum daily temperature.

In the large view there is the weather situation again in words, the wind strength, wind direction, sunrise/sunset and a weather forecast for four days.


The gadget is available in the languages chinese, czech, danish, dutch, finnish, hungarian, france, german, italian, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, slovenian, spanish, turkish, ukrainian or – for everyone else – english.

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Do you use Windows 7 with a larger text setting?
Please read this for future support

All versions you can download here.
But: I don’t give support for older versions. What doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

Wordclock (Version 2.2.6)

The gadget works directly for Windows Vista and Windows 7. For Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11 you need an additional program in advance, which you can download here for free:

The coolest way to display the time: the word clock..

You have 5 different designs to choose from – everything else is done by the gadget itself! The gadget is available in the languages: dutch, german or- for everyone else – english.

Gadget free download

Support this project with a donation.

Update 7.6.1

bug fix, when sunset/senrise is activeted.
update polish language pack.

Update 7.6.0

Update Italian language pack.